Tentang Kami


PIN BB : 54B95AB6

  I am Henri Gunawan. I was born in Palembang. I graduated from Sriwijaya University, MIPA Faculty, Chemistry major. I have several professions,those are English coach, Herbal consultant and Distributor as well as a Trainer. As an English Coach, I help people  to be able to speak English well and I provide a service called "English Learning by Phone". I do believe that practice makes perfect and custom makes easy . That's why I always suggest my clients to keep up with  English by practice.
As a Herbal Consultant, I diagnose  disease of my patients (mendiagnosa penyakit pasien) by applying (dengan menggunakan)a method called Kinesiology and Phytobiophysics. Kinesiology was invented by (ditemukan oleh) an American Doctor,DR.George Goodheart in 1964 while phytobiophysics was invented by Professor Dame Diana Mossop from England. After we find out the disease(mengetahui penyakit), we suggest (menyarankan) our patients to consume herbal medicine.
As a medical trainer, I provide a short course "How to be like a Docter". In the short course, We learn about anatomy of our body for example : Lungs {paru-paru}, Heart {jantung},Gaster {lambung},Liver {hati},Bladder {empedu},Lymph {limpa},Kidneys{ginjal} Intestine {usus halus},colon {usus besar},appendix {usus buntu} and so on including the glands {kelenjar-kelenjar} like Pineal, Pituitry,Thalamus, Hipothalamus, Limbic ; and hormones {hormon-hormon} like Adrenalin, Tiroid, Paratiroid etc.
We also learn about a lot of kinds of disease {penyakit} such as Gastritis {tukak/luka lambung}, cardio vaskuler disease {penyakit jantung pembuluh},coronary Heart disease {penyakit jantung koroner},hipo and hiper tiroid, Bronchitis {radang bronkus paru paru},Mioma {mium}, Cyst {kista},Hemmorhoid {ambeyen} etc.
We also provide {menyediakan} herbal medicines {obat herbal}to cure {untuk mengobati} Stress and Depression {stres dan depresi},Autisme and Hiperactive {autisme dan hiperaktif}. Imsomnia {susah tidur}, Smoking and Drugs Addiction {kecanduan rokok dan obat Terlarang.